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Prioritise your website speed with Mobile-First development
What is mobile-first development?
Mobile-first development is a design philosophy that creates excellent user experience by starting the design process from the smallest screens such as mobiles. Designing and prototyping your websites for mobile devices assures that your users’ experience is seamless on any device.
If you didn’t know, when mobile-first designer prototypes or sketches out a website layout, they start by sketching out how it would look on a mobile screen, then move onto more giant screens.
Why is it important?
Mobile-first development is significant when it comes to a matter of numbers.
Only in 2020, there are more than 3.5 billion mobile users, meaning that most people are using their phones to find the content they need.
Therefore mobile-friendly websites out there are needed.
From their mobile browser, users can open apps, send messages, and also make calls. They can again move their phone around the room, taking advantage of concepts like AR and VR.
The smartphone design can offer you the chance to create a unique user experience through taking advantage of the unique capabilities smartphone design can offer.
Best practices on how to get started
1# Make it easy to navigate
Keep your secondary elements easy to reach navigational buttons.
Make yourself recognisable for users to attain access to secondary elements.
2# Prioritise Mobile-First Elements
Don’t jump straight into considerations of the latest design trends. You want to keep your web design as simple as possible without restricting what the audience can do when visiting your website. It would help if you had all the elements on your website easy to find and use.
All buttons must be clear and tappable. The font size must be large enough to be read from any screen, and you need a navigation system that doesn’t slow anything down.
3# Keep it simple
Simple things are the best things. So are mobile designs; a good mobile strategy is simple.
Users don’t like extraneous elements like pop-ups or ads, not on their mobile.
Making the Most of Mobile-First Design
Nowadays, it is essential to have responsive websites on both mobile and desktop devices.
With a little effort and wanting to be innovative, you can build a website that puts mobile users’ experiences first; in this way, you can create something that grabs the audience’s attention and delivers great experiences.
Multi-experience: the future of doing business
Being part of an innovative organization means being part of creating apps and creating user experiences. In this sense, creating user experience means being part of a great company willing to develop ideas that make a difference.
It should be noted that these kinds of companies are run by leaders who love innovation and never stop looking to have all of the business priorities to be known as real great leaders.
Being able to create a user experience requires a lot of work and effort. But there are various tools that big companies use to make their job easier. Multi experience Development Platforms are tools that help leaders follow the flow of innovation. These platforms enable leaders to build a kind user experience by creating a unique system that brings development activities together across all digital touchpoints.
What is a Multi Experience Development Platform?
Multi Experience Development Platforms are known as MXDPs. They help developers by providing an integrated set of front end development tools and back end services that enable scalable development to fit for purpose apps across digital touchpoints.
You can perform with MXDPs in progressive and responsive web apps, custom mobile apps, etc.
It is essential to know that if your company utilizes MXDPS, then application leaders can quickly unite development activities across apps so that the user experience is engaging. This it involves developing fluent user experiences across apps, websites, touch, and text, irrespective of the channel.
Why should you use MXDPs?
As mentioned before creating user experiences requires a lot of work. Using MXDPs will make it easier for application leaders, and using MXDPs means ensuring that all touchpoints are consistent and that users can seamlessly transition through them.
Us, for example, want to use apps that require little effort and fewer issues.
When application leaders use MXDPs, they enable business development, and IT teams to improve collaboration, especially when building, designing, and managing apps as part of an ongoing modernization strategy.
In this case, MXDPs allow these experiences to traverse multiple devices and various channels efficiently and rapidly.
The benefits of adopting MXDPs in your company are:
- Improved Operational Efficiency
- Minimize the Time to Market Apps
- Enable Controlled Deployment
- Remove Security Risk
Technology is continuously changing, and leaders now must look forward to using innovative platforms on the top of the market. Creating and achieving a great user experience must be the focus of any app and survey.
Turneu i futbollit Tech for Down Syndrome 2020
Përfundoi turniri i cili bashkoi kompanitë e teknologjisë me një qëllim vetëdijësimi për fëmijët dhe të rriturit me Down Syndrome.
Ky turne i futbollit i cili u organizua nga dy kompanitë e teknologjisë Tentonit dhe Sunny Hill, bashkoi 22 kompani tjera të teknologjisë, të cilat dhanë kontributin e tyre në ndihmë të personave me Down Syndrome.
Ky vit është viti i dytë që Tenton bashkon pasionin për futbollin dhe dashurinë e njerëzimit në një vend. Së bashku me Sunny Hill Tech, filluan iniciativën për mbledhjen e fondeve të quajtur “Tech for Down Syndrome 2020” duke organizuar një tjetër turne futbolli.
Përfunduam muajin e tetorit me finalen e lojës së futbollit, ku finalistët ishin ekipi Sunny Hill Tech dhe Webster. Kjo ishte dita ku pas një muaji të plotë u zhvilluan evente të futbollit mes ekipeve të teknologjisë në Kosovë, të bashkuar për një qëllim mjaft të rëndësishëm, donacionin e fondeve për personat me Down Syndrome.
Ky turne përfundoi me dhënien e mirënjohjes për të gjitha ekipet që morrën pjesë, si dhe me dhënien e kupës skuadrës fituese Sunny Hill Tech, dhe i falënderojmë pafund për mirësinë dhe miqësinë që kanë ofruar.
Tenton, vitin e kaluar, punoi me Zombie Soup për të ndihmuar fëmijët nën spektrin e autizmit duke ftuar kompanitë e teknologjisë në Kosovë që të bashkohen në një turne futbolli dhe të mbështesin këtë iniciativë përmes dhurimit dhe pjesëmarrjes. Kjo iniciativë arriti të mbledhë gjithsej 6,360.00 €, të cilat u dhuruan në shoqatën “Autizmi”.
Ne duam të falënderojmë të gjitha kompanitë që nuk hezituan të ishin pjesë e kësaj nisme:
Sunny Hill Tech, Zombie Soup, Starlabs, Apper, Celonis, UCX Kosova, Kutia, Linkplus, Kode Labs, ITD Prishtine, Frakton, Rubik, Webtiser, Smartbits, The Social Plus, Vianova health, Fitonomy, Gjirafa, Autoshkolla, ICK, KFC Kosova, Fedex, Chameleon Print, Deinde, dhe Tech Frame. Falë këtyre ndërmarrjeve që e bënë të mundur këtë iniciativë dhe ndihmuan fëmijët dhe të rriturit me Down Syndrome duke dhuruar një total që ka arritur në një total prej 5,800€.
How Will Chatbots Help Your Business Grow?
Chatbots have been around for decades now, helping businesses to be close to their clients in one form or another.
As one of the functions that people are familiar with, Chatbots have recently taken their functionality to new levels.
Every business owner is interested in streamlining marketing, or any customer service uses Chatbot to take the relationship with customers to another level.
What are Chatbots?
Chatbots are computer programs designed to start, keep going, and end a conversation, which is normal, and you can not tell if the person behind this Chatbot is a human or a robot.
These Chatbots are very popular over the Internet.
Chatbots can be designed for use with private chat or messaging services, and most of them use a chat interface for communication.
Chatbot’s most important function is not only being customer support or delivering customer service but generating new leads and making the sales process much easier.
Chatbots are very helpful when it comes to dealing with different kinds of customers’ problems.
Why should every business implement Chatbot in their platforms?
Chatbots help small businesses find new leads, customers, and the most important, Chatbots provide excellent customer service. All of these lead a business to its growth.
Chatbots, as a function, is very easy to use.
Customers most likely prefer to ask questions into a Chatbot rather than to continue scrolling to find their answers or whatever is concerning them.
Developing a Chatbot is not that expensive, actually is pretty affordable for every business, small or large.
Although chatbots answer all the FAQs, in this way, it is easier to reach each customer in the best possible way. Also, Chatbot helps to know what customers are looking for. This seems pretty genius, but technology is changing and improving itself day by day, and so are changes implemented in Chatbots.
Tenton is the team you can address if you want to implement a Chatbot into your business.
With a team of professional developers, Tenton can develop a Chatbot to help your business connect with customers.
The importance of Chatbots
Each business can have various benefits from Chatbots. But the main reason for using chatbots is to grow your business.
How does that happen?
Chatbots happen to be that smart to save and remember all of the information users tell them. They tend to use the information users to tell them for better service while helping other users.
In a very smart and delicate way, chatbots expect helping users. They also influence sales.
There is more; chatbots also influence decisions. Chatbots can make recommendations for users based on data gathered from simple questions and previous interactions.
Chatbots also provide 24/7 sales support.
Down Syndrome Football Tournament
We should not forget the good things that happen every day!
Take, for example, the companies who have gathered with TENTON and Sunny Hill Tech, to support children and adults with Down Syndrome in a variety of important ways.
Tech companies usually are known as many people who get things done, things like coding, numbers, marketing, creating, and building new things. There are pretty little cases when these tech companies members are known as people that create emotional relations with others.
Not anymore!
TENTON, last year, worked with Zombie Soup to help kids under the autism spectrum by inviting tech companies in Kosovo to come together in a football tournament and support this initiative in various forms through donation and participation. This initiative managed to collect a total of 6,360.00€, which were donated to the “Autism” association.
This year, is the second year, that TENTON put together the passion for football and humanity’s love in one place. Together with Sunny Hill Tech, started the fundraising initiative called “Tech for Down Syndrome” by organizing another football tournament.
We want to thank all the companies that did not hesitate to be part of this initiative:
Sunny Hill Tech, Zombie Soup, Starlabs, Apper, UCX Kosova, Kutia, Link plus, Kode Labs, Frakton, Rubik, Webster, Smartbits, Vianova Health, Fitonomy, Gjirafa, Autoshkolla, KFC Kosova, FedEx, Chameleon Print, and Deinde. Thanks to these companies for making this initiative possible and helping children and adults with Down Syndrome by donating a total that until today has reached a total of 5,500 €.
This tournament started on the 10th of October; two games were already played. On the link below, you can track the scores of each played game
TENTON and SunnyHill Tech have managed to gather these big tech companies for a big social cause. Children and adults with Down syndrome face many difficulties, and we wanted to raise awareness of them.
We feel happy to see that people are vulnerable to join in such events not only to help financially, but in any other possible way, and at the same time, they make these events enjoyable and worthy.
We want to let you know that this tournament will end on the 31st of October, and whoever wants to participate in this initiative by donating is welcome, join with us.
Best CTOs Use Outsourced Teams
Many challenges pop up to the Chief Technology Officers, technological ones, management ones, and strategic ones. As much as a CTO faces challenges, it means that the team is working on new opportunities and bringing new things. But these challenges can bring risks as well.
We have explained this before; engineering managers do not have the power or capacity to deal with everything unless they share their work and duties. CTO has to build robust and resilient strategies in the face of disruptive trends and talent scarcity, but it is almost impossible to do all of this independently.
Finding the perfect team that fits your expectations, outsourcing can be very beneficial. A professional IT outsourcing partner can help every CTO managing all of the risks that a challenge can bring. Not only that, an IT outsourcing partner can help a CTO grow their company engineering capabilities, provide all the necessary tech expertise, and, last but not least, relieve their management stress.
IT outsourcing from Kosovo now constantly is working with CTOs of large enterprises. As Kosovo is growing startups, these teams are creating partner relationships in foreign places.
Outsourcing is a great solution to fulfill the needs of each business owner.
The benefits of outsourcing an IT team:
- You can escape the hiring process by finding a completed and established team.
- As long as you have to focus on so many things, this team will have the task you delivered as a priority.
- Outsourcing cuts the spendings of 50%. You can take more from outsourcing teams than in your country.
- You will have in disposition a flexible and agile team.
Outsourcing teams from Kosovo
The development process requires a lot of work and commitment; outsourcing teams from Kosovo might help you with that. Expanding your team with developers that have specific skills and mindset can let you and your business breathe.
Kosovo offers the best tech partners, partners you can count on, trusted, and reliable partners to offer you solutions for your tech needs. This will help you go on with things and experience huge growth in your project.
A lot of companies in Kosovo offer IT solutions for companies abroad.
These companies have built an excellent team with the right skills to execute the client’s needs.
IT outsourcing in Kosovo opens up the opportunity to attract the best talent. These guys are trained and educated by their employers on cybersecurity also.
IT outsourcing companies seem to have effective information security measures in place when it comes to security and data protection, complying with international standards, laws, and regulations.
IT outsourcing teams from Kosovo are delivering several products year by year.
If you are a CTO and face many problems right now, help yourself by choosing an outsource team from Kosovo.
How can you afford experienced developers?
Each company is aware that hiring experienced developers to accomplish your goals, but not every company has the budget to afford software developers, especially for an unknown duration.
But if you want your company to become popular on the market, you need to consider outsourcing as the hero of the case.
Hiring a software company that has an experienced team will only help you and your company increase productivity.
As we mentioned many times before, it costs less if you hire another company and do it by outsourcing. Also, you can agree on the terms and duration of cooperation at different stages and periods.
Which company in Kosovo is worth a try?
There are many talented teams from Kosovo that are specialized in IT and are worth a try.
One of the worth mentioning companies is Tenton, which has a team that also works outsource.
Tenton digitizes any idea that comes to your mind. Tenton has managed to build a team that is focused on web, software, and app development. Tenton develops websites through web design, web content, web engineering, e-commerce, etc.
The team conceives, specifies, designs, programming, and tests mobile applications, frameworks, and other software components. Additionally, creating and programming apps for computers, mobile phones, and different electronic devices is imperative for their work.
A team with a beautiful mindset, with an incredibly sophisticated ability of imagination in creating and bringing up to the table new ideas, is the best explanation for the team of Tenton.
This functional connection that gives positive energy inside of Tenton made the company collaborate with other companies, not only in Kosovo but also in foreign countries.
As being one of the most advanced companies in Software Development, Tenton operates with many projects around the world, building and creating marvelous websites and applications.
Tenton has managed to help numerous startups evolving from simple ideas to successful businesses that generate endless employment opportunities throughout the year.
Learn how BPO can transform the future of your business
BPO is another strategy used by businesses to lower operating costs and improve efficiencies, cutting their rivals while delivering quality services and products to their clients.
Business Process Outsourcing, known as BPO, uses a third-party to perform specific processes on a company’s behalf.
Third-party providers offer more solutions for businesses to reduce their capital expenditures while optimizing their organizations’ productivity.
The Department of Trade and Industry’s definition of BPO is strongly focused on service-type business appointment to a third party service provider.
- The department of Trade and Industry is divided into seven sectors:
- Contact Centers;
- Data Transcription;
- Animation;
- Black Office Services;
- Software Development;
- Engineering Development;
- Game Development.
BPO has proven to bring a profitable enterprise and to be the fastest-growing industry.
BPO services happen to have the capability to make any organization a competitive member of its market, and this is why the BPO industry is becoming very popular.
Below you can find the reasons why BPO is becoming so popular:
- BPO is Cost-Effective
In both the demand and supply standpoint, the BPO industry is cost-effective. Many foreign companies were encouraged to explore other locations to lower operating costs, but not devaluing services’ quality. BPO is the solution they found.
- BPO Opens New Jobs
BPO brought many job opportunities to skilled and educable workers who were struggling to find a job. This industry helped people on their career paths, making them stay in the motherland instead of seeking employment elsewhere.
- BPO attracts the educated talent
If your business needs a skilled team, never be afraid to hire an outsourcing team. As they are focused on only one task, they practice it a lot before taking your project as an actual task. And that practice makes them professionals and hard working.
- BPO providers have the experience to remain competitive
Once you hire these third-party service providers to manage the relationship and interact with your customers, the experience and support bar will rise as they can handle the pressure to offer the services you need. Providing customer care with excellent interaction and solving problems will change, ensuring that customers will have excellent interaction and a problem solver with the service they provide.
Business Process Outsourcing attracts companies by offering them greater operational flexibility.
BPO gives companies the one thing they can not buy: TIME.
It allows them to reallocate time and resources to core competencies, which results in advantages over competing businesses in its industry.
The benefits companies have from BPO are quick and accurate reporting, improved productivity, and the ability to reassign their resources.
How does outsourcing increase business efficiency?
Each leader tries to work as much as it is possible so they can improve employee productivity and can help in increasing business efficiency.
It is proven that increasing hours worked at the office does not necessarily mean that it will increase efficiency.
Leaders and managers can save time and still improve employee productivity, which does not require too many working hours.
Leaders and managers see their business as their baby; in this case, they want to be present and have a hand in everything that goes on with it, and they can not wait for it to grow up. But this does not lead to new ideas and new creations.
Therefore it’s best that you delegate some responsibilities to qualified employees, which you trust in performing their tasks well.
Communicating with the teammates on their skills, developing their skills, or finding another hidden skill that can help the team increase efficiency.
Another way that helps increase business efficiency is outsourcing.
Outsourcing associates with sending jobs to other countries, it increases the unemployment rate in the motherland, so it received a bad reputation.
Nowadays, outsourcing has gained popularity, as most modern companies use this strategy to increase business efficiency.
How outsourcing increases productivity?
Outsourcing is a way that has been helping a lot of business companies to increase productivity, directly and indirectly.
Outsourcing works out pretty easily while allowing employees to focus on doing what they are best at doing.
This means that the tasks given to them are more meaningful to them than other tasks that have less importance to them or are not best at them.
Other tasks that seem time-consuming are event planning, data entry, public relations, and other administrative management.
The benefits of delegating tasks to outsourcing firms only help companies avoid all the unpleasant, messy situations. These firms are already experts in the tasks you want to delegate to them. They already have done their experiments on the market, and now they have become experts in the field they take in charge to cover.
This is the same thing as we have mentioned before. It is beneficial for leaders and managers to delegate tasks to others, trusted ones, so they can take full responsibility and prove to you that you hired the right person for the needed position.
The same goes for outsourcing when you, as a company, trust another team to take over the responsibility to a specific task, which can increase business efficiency.
Outsourcing can provide time to companies, and time is money. It gives more free time to the company, so the leaders and managers can focus more on achieving business objectives, adding values, and mitigating risks.
These are the benefits that each company must know how to get and embrace them.
Why should you see outsourcing as a good idea for your business, and which are its benefits?
To make it even simpler, outsourcing means hiring a third-party vendor so that they can work for you on a contractual basis.
Some of the benefits of outsourcing are as below:
- It saves you time
You might be good at something at your workplace, but not everything. The smaller tasks or tasks you are not that good at can slow down the work process and put a business at risk. So it is better to stay focused at what you are best at, and leave others to experts. - Improves decision making and also adds efficacy
Businesses need to increase efficiency all the time. Only when you are relieved and free from the tasks you did not feel you are the best person to get that task done can make more valuable decisions, and you can see that you improved at that part. - Brings innovation
Innovation comes to life after you are allowed to do what you like doing and work on the tasks you don’t see.
As having more time to pay attention to details, you can always bring innovation to the table. - Brings skilled expertise.
As mentioned before, you can not be skilled in every field. A business gets to grow after everyone is doing what they can assure that they are experts at what they are doing. Tasks are supposed to be given to employees that are capable of finishing them with passion and dedication. Outsourcing brings an energy of skilled expertise from the outside, letting you do what you do best. - Reduces costs.
Last but not least, cost savings is a very important point that businesses choose to go with outsourcing.
Outsourcing meets you with people who will get your job done at a lower cost, but with quality.
Going through all of this outsourcing methodology allows businesses to increase efficiency. Applying it carefully can make a business run much ahead of the management’s expectations.
One of the most popular typescript-based front-end development frameworks in the market is Angular, developed by Google.
Angular went through many new versions, so it has become one of the most popular frameworks in use today. It was introduced as AngularJS in 2009, and ever since, it has managed to gain remarkable recognition from worldwide developers.
Developers use Angular to design interactive and user-friendly interfaces for their web applications, as it meets all the modern web-application requirements that developers need to engage the end-user.
Tenton, with its professional team from Kosovo, builts dynamic web applications for clients all around the world using Angular.
What is Angular web Framework, and why should we use it?
Angular is an open-source front-end development framework, and it is used to design interactive user-interfaces. Angular was released in 2016 by Google, from the same team that worked on designing AngularJS in 2009.
They worked on relaunching Angular, so they can match the modern development requirements and compete with other popular frameworks like ReactJS.
Many factors can convince us to choose Angular over ReactJS to design a web application’s user interface.
Below you can read the factors:
– Angular is supported by Google, which is the biggest tech-giant so far. It is pretty essential to know that many Google services are designed using.
– Angular itself, which makes us believe in Angular as the company itself is being so optimistic about its framework.
– Angular ensures high security and very quick error elimination as one of the few TypeScript- based frameworks.
– Angular is also capable of restricting cross-site scripting attacks.
– Angular uses HTML to design UI, which leads to quick development.
Kosovo offers many outsourcing teams, and Tenton has professional developers that perfectly complete any task for their clients.
AngularJS outsourcing can help to integrate companies that need to create an application with high quality quickly.
Tenton is trying to be an international level company by providing all our customers the best solutions in web development. We aim to be trustworthy while creating reliable relationships with customers, positive energy from having good relationships inside the team.
We want to create long-term relationships with our clients after proving that we are the best team for the task they need to be done.
Tenton holds on all the responsibilities that each employee gives for his actions, and then remains honest as a company. All the relations with clients are conducted honestly and transparently so we can achieve productivity and efficient cooperation.
React Native
React Native started as a small project but ended up being backed by major corporations.
This is a strong reason to believe that every project and idea can someday turn out to be huge, useful and trustful.
React Native began as Facebook’s international hackathon project, and now is backed up by Samsung and Microsoft, while also having an essencial, leading role in bringing next-generation mobile apps to life.
React Native, has become this big, as it can be defined as a Javascript framework for building native mobile applications.
React Native, is a framework also known as ReactJS, not only is helping developers to build high-quality apps with a short development time,but is also offering outstanding performance.
At Tenton, which is located in Kosovo, we feel completed after building a team of experienced React Native developers and project managers who have worked together and implemented useful mobile app solutions for clients across the world. From Kosovo, to the whole world, is a connection that needs to be built over professionalism, success and will.
React Native is a new Android development framework, our team makes sure to always stay on the top of the release chains, testing new builds and technologies and always bringing to the table fresh and innovative ideas to remain on the cutting-edge of ReactJS development.
Our clients can get access to an app which achieves a significant level of polish and performance as compared to other native apps developed with Java, Objective-C, or Swift.
Kosovo might be a small place, but people that represent Kosovo are becoming more and more famous, bringing to life enormous ideas, creative ideas, and last but not least super talented app developers.
Why does Tenton suggests you to choose ReactJS for your Mobile App?
React Native is a form of development framework that has many benefits, and it is different from Javascript or any other tool.
These are some of the benefits:
- Cross-Platform,
- Short development period,
- Open source,
- Backend Live updates,
- Reusable code.
Tenton is a company that along with many other functions, we are also focused on making a very strong team, which already is, of React Native developers. Our developers are experienced in working in different development scenarios, and can definitely support any of the client requirements, wherever they are.
We are happy to see and witness that our team, the React Native developers, have actually been helping many clients all around the world, helping them grow their business and also making their goals achievable in a short period of time.
Same as React Native that has become huge, and it started as a project, soon we aim to be huge, and we started as a small team. Now we are a big family!